
About me

Welcome, friends!

(Please note: I publish three original inspiring messages a week on "Inspire!" You can get them by signing up on my Facebook friends page. Just click on the "like" button.)

First off, please leave your comments on the writings that you enjoy the most. I love feedback and answer each comment.

Here's a little something about me:

Most importantly, I'm a happily married man with a beautiful wife, the father of a great son and daughter, and grandfather of one wonderful grandaughter.

I lost both my parents in 2009, and that has given me the gift of reflection as I ponder the meaning of life and faith, the value of family and work, and the joy of friendship and laughter.

I'm a poet and journalist who enjoys sharing my inspirational writings with others. I find inspiration everywhere I go. Sometimes I challenge myself to take a single word and write something uplifting about it--whether through a story or a poem.

I saw a group of numbers on the wall of a restaurant and wrote a Valentine's poem to my wife called "Your Lucky Number--1."

I'm also a person of faith and will write prayers, especially when I'm trying to muddle through a problem with no clear answer. I vent on paper!

I was a newspaper reporter for 25 years when I wrote every day on deadline. Now, I write every day for pleasure and to share with others.

By the by, I've created a Facebook fan page, Who Inspires U? Check it out here:

Glad you stopped by. Come back any time!


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